Platforms for the Internet of Things: Opportunities and Risks
I was chairing a panel at the Internet of Things Expo in London today. One of the points for discussion was the rise of platforms related to the internet of things. As, by some estimates, the number of connected devices is predicted to exceed 50bn by 2020 so there is considerable desire to control the internet based […]
What is Fog Computing?
I read an interesting article on Fog Computing and thought readers might like a short precis: Applications such as health-monitoring or emergency response require near-instantaneous response such that the delay caused by contacting and receiving data from a cloud data-centre can be highly problematic. Fog Computing is a response to this challenge. The basic idea […]
Rise of the Platform Enterprise
It was great to be at the Shard earlier this week to hear Peter Evans and Annabelle Gawer talk about their new report “The Rise of the Platform Enterprise”. The overarching theme of the morning was (albeit not explicitly stated in the programme) “European Platform Anxiety” – that is, that the digital infrastructure central to […]
UK Cloud Awards 2016 – Judging Again
The UK Cloud Award nominations are open! I am judging again this year and am keen to see how the applications have developed in this third year of the awards! UK Cloud Awards
LSE Masterclass: Technology, Business and the Rise of the Machines.
On Monday I will be teaching a masterclass in Madrid with Fundación Ramón Areces and LSE Enterprise Spain. It is a one day workshop on the transition to cloud computing and its impact on business. I am going to both explain my earlier work (in the Cloud Corporation book and papers) but also develop my new thinking around digital infrastructures […]
iSChannel Journal – 10 Years of Information Systems writing.
Ten years ago a couple of students (Omer Tariq and Kabir Sehgal) entered my office with the idea of creating an academic journal to publish MSc and PhD students’ essays and articles on Information Systems. Today we have just published our 10th anniversary edition. I am extremely proud that something I pushed for during the first […]
BBC micro:bit computer.
The BBC is planning to distribute 7 million micro:bit computers to children in the UK with the aim of building a generation of tech pioneers. While the aim is clearly laudable and the technology is exciting, particularly the ability to connect to lots of devices and sensors, I am very worried. Almost nobody is critical […]
Talking coordination at BT next week.
I’m at BT’s Adastral Park giving a ‘Thought Leadership’ talk (available to all BT staff online) next week. It should be exciting and I plan to give them an idea of my current and future thinking on dynamic digital infrastructure. In particular I am keen to extend our thinking on how such infrastructure (constructed with […]
Strategy Security in the cloud – comments on Athens Cloud Computing Conference
Attending the Cloud Computing Conference in Athens today I was struck by the overarching interest of the audience in security. This is entirely understandable, and certainly should be the primary concern for IT directors whose overarching concern is to keep the company safe in this dangerous digital world. As fellow speaker Ian Murphy discussed – […]
Keynote for Athens Cloud Computing conference
I am proud to be the keynote speaker at the Athens Cloud Computing conference on the 10th of March. I will be kicking off the event with a challenge to see cloud not as the transfer of computing from within the enterprise to an external party, but instead as a chance to reconsider the boundary […]