Journal Publications
Pujadas, R,. E. Valderrama, W. Venters (2024) “The value and structuring role of web APIs in digital innovation ecosystems: The case of the online travel ecosystem”, Research Policy, 53 (2), Article 104931. 10.1016/j.respol.2023.104931. (Open access)
Polyviou, A, Venters, W and Pouloudi, N (2023) Distant but close: locational, relational and temporal proximity in cloud computing adoption. Journal of Information Technology. ISSN 0268-3962 .
Polyviou, A, Pouloudi, N and Venters, W (2023) “Cloud computing adoption decision making process: a sensemaking analysis“. Information Technology and People. ISSN 0959-3845.
Thompson, M., W. Venters (2021) “The spectrum of government platform: definitions and dynamics from the UK”. Government Information Quarterly. 38 (1), 1-13. ISSN 0740-624X, available here
Brown, A., J. Fishenden, M. Thompson, W. Venters (2017) “Appraising the impact and role of platform models and Government as a Platform (GaaP) in UK Government public service reform: towards a Platform Assessment Framework (PAF)”, Government Information Quarterly. 34 (2). 167-182. ISSN 0740-624X available here
Venters,W., E. Oborn, M. Barrett (2014) “A trichordal temporal approach to digital coordination: the mangle of practice in the sociomaterial emergence of the CERN Grid” MIS Quarterly 38 (3) 927-949 available here.
Whitley, E.A, Willcocks, L.P. Venters, W (2013) “Privacy and security in the cloud: A review of guidance and responses”, Journal of International Technology and Information Management. 22 (3) 75-92 available here
Lichtner, V., W. Venters, Hibberd,R. Cornford,T. Barber,N (2013) “The fungibility of time in claims of efficiency: the case of making transmission of prescriptions electronic in English general practice” International Journal of Medical Informatics 82(12)1152-1170 available here.
Willcocks,L. W. Venters, E. Whitley (2013) “Cloud Computing as Innovation: Studying Diffusion” In Advances in global sourcing: Models, Governance and Relationships, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Springer. 163 . pp. 117-131
Willcocks, L., W. Venters and E. Whitley (2013) “Cloud Sourcing and Innovation: Slow Train Coming? A Composite Research Study” Strategic Outsourcing: an International Journal6(2) 184-202 available here. (Winner of the journal’s “Outstanding Paper of 2013” award)
Venters,W and Whitley, E (2012) “A Critical Review of Cloud Computing: Researching Desires and Realities” Journal of Information Technology 27(3) 179-197 available here
Venters,W and Kyriakidou-Zacharoudiou,A (2012) “Interventionist Grid Development Projects: A research framework based on three frames.” Information Technology and People.25(3) 300-326 available here
Zheng,Y.,W. Venters and T. Cornford (2011) “Agility, Paradox and Organizational Improvisation: The Development of a Particle Physics Grid” Information Systems Journal 21(4) 303-333.DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2575.2010.00360.x
Venters, W (2010) “Knowledge Management Technology-in-Practice: A social constructionist analysis of the introduction and use of Knowledge Management Systems” Knowledge Management Research and Practice (KMRP).8(1) 161-172 DOI:10.1057/kmrp.2010.8
Mitev, NN., W. Venters. (2009) Reflexive Evaluation of an Academic-Industry Research Collaboration: Can Mode 2 Management Research be Achieved? Journal of Management Studies 46(5) 733-754. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-6486.2009.00846.x
Venters,W. & E. Ferneley (2009) “Editorial: To codify or collaborate: Introduction to the special issue on Knowledge Management and e-Research technologies” Knowledge Management Research and Practice 7(3) 192-195.
Venters,W. & B. Wood (2007) “Degenerative structures which inhibit communities of practice: A case study of the British Council”. Information Systems Journal, 17(4), 349-368. version available here
Venters, W. (2006). The use of Technology within Knowledge Management: A Review. Journal of Intelligent Systems. 15(1-4) 329-356. ISSN 0334-1860.
Venters, W., T. Cornford and M. Cushman (2005). “Knowledge about Sustainability: SSM as a Method for Conceptualising the UK Construction Industry’s Knowledge Environment.” Journal of Computing and Information Technology 13(2) 137-148. ISSN: 1330-1136.
Willcocks, L., W.Venters, W. Whitley (2014) “Moving To The Cloud Corporation”, Palgrave Business. Available Here
Industry Articles and Consulting Reports
Venters, W. (2023, 17/10/2023). Why CIOs need to think about data sovereignty as part of their digital strategy (
Fishenden, Thompson, Venters (2018) “Manifesto for Better Public Services” together with a more detailed “Green Paper”. Launched at the Institute for Government 27th March 2018.
W. Venters and C. Sorensen (2017). The Cost of Cloud Expertise, Rackspace and Intel. See:
Venters, Will and Sørensen, Carsten (2017) Naps in the office – perhaps the secret of China’s digital success? LSE Business Review (1 Oct 2017) Blog entry
Venters, Will and Khanna, Ayesha (2016) Integrating digital systems to help city residents plan seamless journeys LSE Business Review (12 Oct 2016) Blog entry
Dickson, Jane and Cornford, Tony and Hibberd, Ralph and Klecun, Ela and Venters, Will and Lichtner, Valentina (2015) Following digital drugs. In: LSE Research Festival 2015, 21 May 2015, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
Barber. N., T.Cornford, R. Hibbard (2014) “NHS CFHEP 004 – Evaluation of the Electronic Prescription Service in Primary Care”
Willcocks, L., W. Venters and E. Whitley (2012). “Cloud as Technology – What Kind of Transformation”. Globalization Today. Scottsdale, USA: 26-33.
Meyer.E., M. Bulger, A. Kyriakidou-Zacharoudiou, L. Power, P. Williams, W. Venters, M. Terras, S. Wyatt (2012) “Collaborative yet Independent: Information Practices in the Physical Sciences” Research Information Network.
Willcocks,L, W. Venters, E. Whitley, J. Hindle (2011) “Understanding the Business Impacts of Cloud Computing”, European Business Review, September-October, 66-67.
Willcocks,L., W. Venters, E. Whitley (2011) Cloud and the Future of Business: From Cost to Innovation. Accenture. (4 reports: Part 1: Promise. Part 2: Challenges. Part 3: Impact. Part 4:Innovation. Part 5: Management)
Willcocks,L., E. Whitley, W. Venters (2010) “The Coming of the Cloud Corporation”. Accenture Outlook, No. 2. December.
Book Chapters
Hibberd, R., et al. (2017). England’s Electronic Prescription Service. Information Infrastructures within European Health Care: Working with the Installed Base. M. Aanestad, M. Grisot, O. Hanseth and P. Vassilakopoulou. Cham, Springer International Publishing: 109-128.
Willcocks,L. W. Venters, E. Whitley, J. Hindle (2012) “Shifting to Cloud Services: Current Challenges and Future Opportunities”. Advanced Outsourcing Practice. Lacity, M and Willcocks,L, Pagrave.
Lichtner,V. Venters,W (2011) Journey to DOR: A retro science-fiction story on researching ePrescribing. IFIP 8.2. Researching the Future. Chiasson, M., Henfridsson,O (Eds.). Springer.
Pearce, S. Venters, W (2011) How particle physicists constructed the world’s largest grid: A case study in participatory cultures. Routledge Handbook of Participatory Cultures. D. Aaron and J Henderson (Eds), Routledge.
Scott,SV, Venters,W (2007) The Practice of e-Science and e-Social Science: Method, Theory, and Matter. IFIP 8.2. Virtuality and Virtualization. Crowston, K., Sieber, S., Wynn, E. (Eds.), Vol. 236 ISBN: 978-0-387-73024-0, Springer.
Conference Publications
Gupta, A., Pujadas, R., & Venters, W. (2024). “A soft ecosystems methodology of digital innovation through a case study of the insurance industry’s response to connected cars” UKAIS 2024: Annual Conference of the UK Academy for Information Systems 2024, Kent, UK. (Best Paper Award Winner).
Gupta, A., R. Pujadas, W. Venters (2023) “A theory of interfacing for Artificial Intelligence data infrastructures” International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) TREO talk, Hyderabad, India.
Pujadas, R., E. Valderrama, W. Venters (2023) “The Algorithmic Infrastructure of the API Economy: The Case of Online Booking Services” (AOM) Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, USA.
Gupta,A., R. Pujadas, W. Venters, (2023) “Interfacing and the making of data infrastructures within building construction and operation”, United Kingdom Conference on Information Systems (UKAIS), Kent, UK.
Rossi,E., R. Pujadas, W. Venters, (2023) “Modularity Archetypes and Their Coexistence in Technological Development: The Case of a Telecoms Company from Analogue Voice to 5G”, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS-56, Hawaii, USA.
Gupta, A., R. Pujadas, W. Venters (2022) “Interfaces and the making of data infrastructures in order to achieve sustainability goals within building construction and operation” (IFIP 8.2 OASIS) Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS) Workshop, Copenhagen, Sweden.
Pujadas, R., E. Valderrama, W. Venters (2022) “The Glass Platform: Revealing the infrastructuring role of multiple organisations’ APIs in delivering Google’s hotel booking service” (IFIP 8.2 OASIS) Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS) Workshop, Copenhagen, Sweden.
Rossi,E., R. Pujadas, W. Venters, (2021) “Epistemic Mirroring: Understanding the interdependence between a firm’s governance of internal relations and its interpretation of the digital ecosystem architecture”, UKAIS, Online.
Pym, D., W. Venters, (2020) “Modelling Interfaces and Things Within the Decentralized Ecosystems of the Internet of Things”, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), India/Online.
Pujadas, R., E. Valderrama, W. Venters (2020) “Interfaces and the Dynamics of Digital Ecosystems: A Study of the Online Travel Ecosystem”, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), India/Online.
Pujadas, R; Thompson, M; Venters, W; and Wardley, S, (2019). “Building situational awareness in the age of service ecosystems”. In Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden, June 8-14, 2019. ISBN 978-1-7336325-0-8 Research Papers. (also available here)
Venters,W., C. Sorensen (2017) “Naps in the office – perhaps the secret of China’s digital success?”, LSE Business Review.
Parmiggiani,E., R. Hibberd, W. Venters (2017) “Politics of repair in medicines supply networks: Harnessing fear of falsification”, IFIP WG8.6, Guimaraes, Portugal.
Cornford,T., V. Lichtner, J. Dickson, R. Hibberd, E. Klecun, W. Venters (2017) “Delivering Digital Drugs: An Exploratory Study of the Digitalization of Supply and Use of Medicines”, MedInfo, 1259.
Allwein, F., W.Venters (2017) “Agility as a Performance within Digital Infrastructures”, 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems, Boston, USA.
Hessey,S., W. Venters (2016) “Sensing Distress – Towards a Blended Method for Detecting and Responding to Problematic Customer Experience Events”, HCI International 2016 – Toronto Canada. Available Here
Hibberd, R., W.Venters (2015) “Conflicting Infrastructures in the Supply of Falsified Medicines”, 4th Inovation in Information Infrastructures (III) Workshop – Warwick,UK.
Thompson. M., W.Venters (2015)”The Red Queen hypothesis: Exploring dynamic service ecosystems”,4th Innovation in Information Infrastructures (III) Workshop – Warwick,UK.
Venters. W., A. Khannah (2017) “Integrating digital systems to help city residents plan seamless journeys” LSE Business Review.
Polyviou, A., N. Pouloudi, W. Venters (2015) “Cloud adoption as a sense-making process: features, cycles and patterns.” Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS) Workshop, USA
Khannah, A. W. Venters (2014) “Exploring the rhythms of information infrastructure coordination for smart cities: the case of building a mobility infrastructure in Berlin” 22nd European Conference on Information Systems, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Snoxall,S, K. Oldridge, W.Venters (2014) “Collective Digital Innovation: Integrating the Expertise of Multiple Specialist Stakeholders Including Young homeless People in the Creation of Mobile Apps for Social Change” 19th UKAIS Conference on Information Systems, Oxford, UK.
Wakenshaw,S., W. Venters, I.Ng, A.Lloyd (2014)” Sense-making of consumer wellbeing in information technology-enabled services from a relational ontology position” 13th International Research Conference on Service Management, La Londe les Maures, France.
Whitley,E., Mooney,J., Retana,G., Reynolds,P., Venters,W. (2013) “Panel: The shift to cloud computing: A slow train comin’?” International Conference on Information System, Milan, Italy.
Khanna, A., Venters, W (2013) “The use of complex adaptive systems theory in studying the design of information infrastructure within strategic niche experiments: the case of a Berlin electric car sharing experiment” 21st European Conference on Information Systems,Utrecht, Netherlands.
Wakenshaw S, Ng I, Venters W, Brown K, Lloyd A, Pym D, Rajarajan M & Speed C (2013) Revisiting Technology Thinking in Service Innovations and Consumer Experiences: An Empirical Research. Frontiers in Service Conference, July 4-7, Taipei, Taiwan
Venters, W (2013) “Data and time at the Large Hadron Collider, CERN”, 3rd Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) Workshop, London. (Abstract only)
Willcocks, L, W. Venters, E. Whitley (2013) “Cloud Computing as Innovation: Studying Diffusion” Global Sourcing Workshop-13, Courchevel France.
Willcocks, L, W. Venters, E. Whitley (2012) “Cloud Sourcing: Implications for Managing The IT Function” Global Sourcing Workshop-12 , Courchevel France.
Lichtner V, D. Petrakaki, R. Hibberd,W. Venters, T. Cornford, N Barber (2010) Mapping stakeholders for system evaluation – the case of the Electronic Prescription Service in England 13th International Congress on Medical Informatics Cape Town, South Africa
Kyriakidou, A. W. Venters (2009) Distributed large-scale systems development: Exploring the
collaborative development of the particle physics Grid. 5th International conference on e-Social Science, Cologne.
Zheng, Y., W. Venters.,T. Cornford (2009) Social capital in distributed system development: A case of grid development in particle physics. In 17th European Conference on Information Systems (Newell S, Whitley EA, Pouloudi N, Wareham J, Mathiassen L eds.), 2912-2923, Verona, Italy. (ISBN 978-88-6129-391-5)
Kyriakidou, A., W. Venters (2008) Distributed development of large-scale global systems: Exploring the collaborative practices of particle physicists as they develop a Grid for the LHC. OASIS – IFIP 8.2, Paris.
Venters, W., Cornford, T., Zheng, Y (2008) Grids: A Knowledge Infrastructure requiring a Knowledge Infrastructure. UK e-Science Programme All Hands Meeting (AHM2008).
Zheng,Y., Venters,W., Cornford.T (2007) Agility, Improvisation, or Enacted Emergence.International Conference on Information Systems, Montreal, Canada. (Best Paper Finalist)
Venters,W., Zheng,Y., Cornford,T. (2007) Collaborative construction of grid technology: Researching the usability of Grids within Particle Physics. Third International Conference on e-Social Science, Ann Arbor, Michigan US.
Kyriakidou, A., Venters, W (2007) The Multi-Disciplinary Development of Collaborative Grids: The Social Shaping of a Grid for Healthcare 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St Gallen, Switzerland. (Nominated for best paper award). Available Here
Venters,W., Giustiniano,L., Lundell,B., Pries-Heje,J.,Rowe,F (2006) Post-PhD Research – The Trails and Tribulations of Beginning Post-Doctoral Research Following a PhD. Panel at the 14th European Conference on Information Systems, Gothenburg, Sweden. Available Here
Venters,W., Cornford,T. (2006) Introducing Pegasus: An ethnographic research project studying the use of Grid technologies by the UK particle Physics Community. Second International Conference on e-Social Science, 28-30 June 2006, Manchester, UK. Available here.
Mondale, J., Scott,SV., Venters,W (2006) Knowledge Management as an Image of the Organization: Industry Standards and the Processes of Knowing in Credit Risk Management Paper to be presented at the 14th European Conference on Information Systems, Gothenburg, Sweden. Available Here
Venters,W (2006) Knowledge Management: The fad that forgot technology. International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC), Warwick, March 2006.
Venters, W., & Wood, B. (2005). Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities in action: The case of the British Council. Paper presented at the The Sixth European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities, Bentley College, Boston,MA.
Venters, W., Darking, M., Light, B., Heje, J. P., & Lundell, B. (2005). Panel: Jumping the high-jump and landing in the sand – the issues involved in moving from being a Ph.D student to being a full member of the is community.In Proceedings of the Thirteenth European Conference on Information Systems (Bartmann D, Rajola F, Kallinikos J, Avison D, Winter R, Ein-Dor P, Becker J, Bodendorf F, Weinhardt C eds.), Regensburg, Germany. (ISBN 3-937195-09-2) Available here.
Cushman, M. and W. Venters (2004). Making Sense of Rich Pictures: Combining SSM and Oval Mapping. Operational Research Society 46th Annual Conference (OR46), University of York, The OR Society.
Mitev, N and Venters, W (2004) Knowledge management practices for sustainable construction: Political tensions in engineering ICT knowledge tools in the private and public sectors.Information, Knowledge and Management Workshop, Bologna, Italy.
Venters, W. M. Cushman, T. Cornford (2003) Motility of Practiced Knowledge : An Exploration Within the UK Construction Industry. Organisational Knowledge Learning and Capabilities Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Venters, W and T. Cornford (2003) A Prologue For Knowledge Management : The Case of Sustainable Construction Practice. C-SanD Working Paper Available Here
Venters, W. T. Cornford, M. Cushman (2002), The Motility of Construction Knowledge. E-Smart and CISEMIC Conference, Salford, UK. Available Here
Venters, W. M. Cushman, T. Cornford. (2002), Creating Knowledge for Sustainability: Using SSM for Knowledge Mapping and Conceptualising Knowledge Systems. 3rd European Conference on Knowledge, Learning and Organisational Capabilities. Athens, Greece.
Cushman, M. and W. Venters (2002), Understanding Sustainability as Knowledge Practice. British Academy of Management Conference, London, United Kingdom.
Brophy, R. and W. Venters (2001), Work, the Workspace and Workspace portals. Cognitive Technologies: Instruments of Mind, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. p 421-431.
Venters, W., M. Khalid, et al. (2000), Working with a strategy: An action research project within the British Council. First European Conference on Knowledge Management, Bled, Slovenia.
Venters, W. and J.R.G. Wood (2000), Knowledge tools within a knowledge organisation. GEMISIS Millennium Conference, Salford, UK.
Venters, W. and J.R.G. Wood (2000), Knowledge tools within a knowledge organisation: How to support communication in a multinational organisation. UKAIS Conference, Cardiff, UK.
Venters, W. and J.R.G. Wood (1999), Sharing knowledge in large multinational organisations. BITWorld 99, Cape Town, South Africa.
Working Papers and Thesis
Wakenshaw,S., W.Venters, I. Ng, A. Llloyd (2013) “Sense-Making of Consumer Wellbeing in Information Technology-Enabled Services From A Relational Ontology Position” WMG Service Systems Research Group Working Paper ISSN 2049-4297.
Zheng, Y., W. Venters, T. Cornford (2007) “Distributed Development and Scaled Agility: Improvising a Grid for Particle Physics”, LSE working paper 163 – .
Kyriakidou, A., W. Venters (2007) “The Multi-Disciplinary Development of Collaborative Grids: The Social Shaping of Mammogrid”, London School of Economics Working Paper Series – 154, London: ISSN 1472-9601
Scott, SV., W. Venters (2006) “The Practice of e-Science and e-Social Science: Method, December, Theory and Matter”, London School of Economics Working Paper Series – 151, London: ISSN 1472-9601
Venters,W. (2006) “Software Engineering: Theory and Practice” University of London External Programme Subject Guide, UK. First three chapters available here
Venters,W (2003 – viva in Feb 2004) The Introduction of Knowledge Management Technology within the British Council: An Action Research Study. University of Salford PhD Thesis. Available online here
Venters,W. M. Cushman, T. Cornford (2002), “Creating Knowledge for Sustainability: Using SSM for Describing Knowledge Environments and Conceptualising Technological Interventions” March, London School of Economics Working Paper Series – 107, London: ISSN 1472-9601
Venters,W (2001) Review of the literature on Knowledge Management . C-SanD Working Paper: