While very last minute we would like to invite anyone interested in Interfaces, APIs, the API Economy and boundary resources role in Digital Innovations Ecosystems to come to a relaxed round-table event from 2pm-4pm on Saturday 14th December at the ICIS conference 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. https://icis2024.aisconferences.org/ The aim will be to build a community of […]
The following light-hearted script was for an evening talk at the London Stock Exchange for Enterprise Technology Meetup in June 2023. The speech is based on research with Dr Roser Pujadas of UCL and Dr Erika Valderamma of UMEA in Sweden. —– Last Tuesday the news went wild as industry and AI leaders warned that […]
The following light-hearted script was for an evening talk at the London Stock Exchange for Enterprise Technology Meetup in June 2023. The speech is based on research with Dr Roser Pujadas of UCL and Dr Erika Valderamma of UMEA in Sweden. —– Last Tuesday the news went wild as industry and AI leaders warned that […]
It was fantastic to see Ayesha Khanna, my PhD student, successfully defend her PhD today. Her work focuses on the temporal nature of information infrastructures within a SmartCity initiative in Berlin identifying the importance of temporal rhythm. The research will be of interest to practitioners involved in building smart cities, strategic niches for innovation, and […]
It was a great pleasure to see Florian Allwein, my PhD student, successfully defend his PhD today. The thesis has significant lessons for practitioners interested in the role of their digital technology in promoting agility within large organisations. The abstract of Dr Allwein’s thesis: Organizational agility has received much attention from practitioners and researchers in […]
Integrating digital systems to help city residents plan seamless journeys
Many elements of the needed information infrastructure don’t exist yet. Will Venters and Ayesha Khanna studied Berlin’s prototype.
I read an interesting article on Fog Computing and thought readers might like a short precis: Applications such as health-monitoring or emergency response require near-instantaneous response such that the delay caused by contacting and receiving data from a cloud data-centre can be highly problematic. Fog Computing is a response to this challenge. The basic idea […]
Contact Details
Will Venters
Department of Management
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE