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#LegoGovernment: Our manifesto for government in the age of digital disruption.

Tonight I’m at the Institute for Government, where I am part of a group launching our collaboratively developed “Manifesto for Better Public Services” together with a more detailed “Green Paper”. So what’s it all about? Well, in 1941 the founder of the modern welfare state William Beveridge asked: “How would one plan social insurance now […]

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Academic Workshop: Platformization in the Public Sector

I am pleased to be on the programme committee of the following workshop! Platformization in the Public Sector Organizers Margunn Aanestad, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway Miria Grisot, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway Tomas Lindroth, Department of Applied IT, University of Gothenburg, Sweden This workshop targets digital infrastructures in the public sector […]

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PhD in Rhythms of Information Infrastructure Cultivation: Dr Ayesha Khanna

It was fantastic to see Ayesha Khanna, my PhD student, successfully defend her PhD today. Her work focuses on the temporal nature of information infrastructures within a SmartCity initiative in Berlin identifying the importance of temporal rhythm. The research will be of interest to practitioners involved in building smart cities, strategic niches for innovation, and […]

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Academic Conference: “Living with Monsters? Social Implications of Algorithmic Phenomena, Hybrid Agency and the Performativity of Technology” (IFIP 8.2)

Dear All, I am proud to be on the programme committee for one of my favourite academic conferences IFIP 8.2. The conference will be at San Francisco State University, December 11 & 12, 2018 with Lucy Suchman (Lancaster U.) & Paul Edwards (Stanford U. & U. of Michigan) at Keynotes.  I very much hope to see you […]

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Win of £6 million to research Digital Interfacing.

I am pleased to form part of a team, with computer science colleagues at UCL, Imperial and QMUL, who have been awarded a EPSRC programme grant for over £6 million to research the interfacing of digital systems. The overall research programme (titled Interface reasoning for interacting systems (IRIS)) aims to research the correct functioning of digital […]

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Teaching digital innovation at the LSE: Sprint week with Roland Berger

Organisations need to innovate digital products and services faster than ever before. This requires new skills for digital innovation but gaining skills is challenging. Traditional university lectures and classes are excellent at providing the vital theoretical backgrounds; for example in platforms, business strategy, digital infrastructures, systems development approaches, cloud computing and agility, yet they are […]

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Cloud Expertise Report with Rackspace and Intel

For a number of months I’ve been working with Rackspace and colleague Carsten Sorensen to undertake a study of the impact of skills and expertise on cloud computing. The report “the cost of cloud expertise” has just been published here. The headline figure is that $258m is lost a year through lack of cloud expertise. […]

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England’s Electronic Prescription Service: Infrastructure in an Institutional Setting

Good friends in Oslo (Margunn Aanestad, Miria Grisot, Ole Hanseth and Polyxeni Vassilakopoulou) have just launched their edited a book on Information Infrastructure within European Health Care. The book is open-access meaning you can download it for free here.   Our team’s contribution is chapter 8 which discusses England’s Electronic Prescription Service that we evaluated for NPfIT […]

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Government as a Platform – an assessment framework

I’m pleased that my paper with Alan Brown, Jerry Fishenden and Mark Thompson has been published in Government Information Quarterly today! The paper draws together our collective work on platforms and government IT to develop an assessment framework for GaaP (Government as a platform). We then evaluate recent UK government’s digital projects using the framework. “Appraising […]